Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Remembering Johnny...

"All of us who came after are pretenders. We will not see the likes of him again ... He was the best, a star and a gentleman." ~ David Letterman, comic and friend

"This is the end of an era. With Carson you went on once. You had his blessing, and the world knew you were funny." ~ Comic Joan Rivers

"Our 34 years of working together, plus the 12 years since then, created a friendship which was professional, family-like and one of respect and great admiration. ... Whenever a big career decision needed to be made, I always got the OK from 'the boss.'" ~ Ed McMahon, TV sidekick

"Johnny was responsible for the beginning and the rise of success for more performers than anybody. I doubt if those numbers will ever be surpassed." ~ Comedian Bill Cosby
